Sunday School Summary

Pastor Afolabi Opedare led Sunday School session that delved into the teachings from John 16:5-15 where Jesus informed his disciples of his pending departure and the coming of the Holy Spirit in his place.
The discussion explored the feelings and mood amongst the disciples on hearing this news and what their expectations of Christ were. They were unaware of the power of the Jesus’ mission on earth and even less aware of the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus tells them that it is good for them that he should leave and that the counselor the Holy Spirit should come – as through the Holy Spirit they will gain understanding and the truth. As well as the power to perform signs and wonders. With Jesus they were still babies in their faith but with the Holy Spirit dwelling within them they will ascend to another level.
The teachings go on to explain that through the Holy Spirit will deliver the truth on sin, judgement and righteousness which will show the world the truth about salvation and condemnation, revealing the side of God and the side of the Prince of this world, satan.
Thanks to the Holy Spirit through Christ and God we now know the truth.